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Senior and middle management are critical for the sustainable development of your company. Beyond the specific functional area of responsibility, entrepreneurial skills are expected from senior and middle management; for example, the ability to identify new opportunities and drive innovation and change, as well as willingness to assume entrepreneurial risk – whilst always keeping in mind the overall consequences of their actions. By playing a tactical role, they additionally serve as a link between top management and operative employees and are therefore responsible for translating strategy into practice.

At the same time, senior and middle management frequently have a short or, to some extent, unproven track record. Their personality and professional expertise are still evolving and are therefore less sharply distinguished than those of senior or top executives. In other words, their entrepreneurial potential has not been fully identified or realised.

When assessing entrepreneurial requirements and potential performance capabilities, xaverius precisely pinpoints what fits and what doesn´t, and provides clear recommendations for action – for your managers as well as for your company.